Saturday, 17 December 2016

It Has Been Too Long

It has been nearly a year since I have posted any sort of post on here, and that will change soon. I have been devoting all my time to my other two blogs, but if I use this one, then maybe, just maybe, I'll  be able to get something right for a change.

Expect posts to burst through your screen in the very near future.

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Photo of the Week 2016 - Week 4

Fourth week of 2016 already. Doesn't seem two minutes ago that we were watching the fireworks for the new year. One advantage of this time of year is the early sunset, and the colours it creates on the water.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Sunday Photo Fiction - January 17th 2016

The idea of Sunday Photo Fiction is to create a story / poem or something using around about 200 words with the photo as a guide. It doesn’t have to be centre stage in the story, I have seen some where the placement is so subtle, the writer states where it is.

Once you have written and posted your story, please add the link to the little froggy below so that it is added to the collection and we can all have a read.

The main object is to have fun.

It’s winter in the northern hemisphere, and there is a lot of snow around, so I thought I would use this photo from 2010.

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Photo of the Week 2016 - Week 3

Sully is the newest cat we have. Saying that though, he is nearly three now. For Christmas I brought the cats a three tier toy/ It has a base with three scratching poles, a middle tier with oe scratching pole and a catapult shaped pole with two little balls on string to be batted around, and the third tier is like a sleeping one with a small back on it to stop animals from off the back. 

Sully loves to play on it and attacking the other cat as he walks past.

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Photo of the Week 2016 - Week 2

Living on the second floor, I was surprised to hear someone knocking on my balcony door. When I looked to see who it was, this little blighter was standing there. I had to take the photo through the glass door or he would have flown off.

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Photo of the Week 2016 - Week 1

The start of a New Year, the start of a new lot of Photos. I was hoping to start with something exciting, but not much has happened, so I decided to use a present I received from my parents for Christmas. This is a dragon incense cone burner. You can see the smoke coming from it's mouth. 

Photo of the Week 2015 - Week 52

The final Photo of the Week from 2015. I was with my sister at her horse field on Boxing Day (a bank holiday in the UK on December 26th) I wish I had taken my camera with me because the sunset was completely exquisite. I took this with my phone, and the silhouettes looked great.

Photo of the Week 2015 - Week 51

This little fellow had managed to swim up the river and park himself (or herself) on the bank by a bridge. Apparently when a fish went by, it shot off really fast. Wish I had seen that. 

The RSPCA have now rescued this seal and taken it to the sanctuary around the coast, so it is with others now and can have more fish. 

I took this with my Samsung Galaxy Note 3.

Photo of the Week 2015 - Week 50

I really loved the way the clouds took on the colours in this photo. It made Dover Castle look like it was on fire. The photo doesn't do justice to how it looked with your naked eyes. This was taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 3.

Photo of the Week 2015 - Week 49

This photo was the first one in December. I was with my son, so he carried my camera bag for me, and as we walked past the river, the ducks all seemed to find the time to relax. So I thought I would make the most of the opportunity.

Friday, 1 January 2016

Photo of the Week 2015 - Week 48

It had been a while since I had seen a decent view of the sunrise, but in the week I took this photo, I was treated to some stunning views.

Photo of the Week 2015 - Week 47

I felt the water droplets on the leaves really stood out here. I think they look lovely.