Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Is A Clock On The Moon A Lunar Tick?

I took some photos the other day of the moon. I suppose that should say that I took some photos the other night of the moon. The clouds were around it, and I liked how they looked with it. A lot of the photos didn't come out well with the focus being on either the clouds or the moon, but here are some of the ones that I think are the better ones. 

If anyone knows how I can form a gallery from these or a slideshow, can you let me know please, as I am still working my way around Blogger. 


  1. [ Smiles ] Those are all lovely snapshots of the moon; you are very lucky that a werewolf didn't attack you while you were taking them.

    1. Thanks very much Renard. The only were creatures I know of are my cats. They turn into complete monsters sometimes hehe.

  2. It has always amazed me how different my animals act when there is a full moon. I am a true believer of it affecting moods.... there is a reason they are called "luna"tics! eh? :-)

    1. I agree. The moon affects the tides and it affects the moods as well
