Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Haibun Thinking - October 14th 2014

Welcome to Haibun Thinking.  A weekly challenge to get your creative juices running. The challenge is to create something from one of the prompts below using the form of the Haibun. A piece of work ending in a Haiku style poem of three lines. After you have completed it, please add your link to the InLinkz frog creature for all to read.

This also appears on my WordPress blog if you prefer that, which is here

Thank you for taking part.
Haibun is a Japanese literary form that combines one or more paragraphs of your written narrative (prose) with a concentrated (short) poem – the haiku. Hai stands for haiku, bun stands for prose.
The haibun and/or the haiku present a relationship between the nature of the human experience and ‘nature’ (the natural order of life).
A piece of fiction or a memory finishing with a Haiku style poem.

Literary Quote Photo Prompt
“Grown up, and that is a terribly hard thing to do. It is much easier to skip it and go from one childhood to another.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald


  1. [ Smiles ] Too bad that there isn't a "Like Button" for this blog, Al.

    1. Thanks very much Renard :-) I do see the +1s though :-)
