Sunday, 19 October 2014

Photo of the Week - Week 42

As posted on my other blog:

I decided I wanted to buy myself a bunch of flowers this week so I could photograph them. As we walked into the supermarket, I mentioned to my sister my intention, and she suggested we look in the reduced area. When we had a look, there was a huge bunch that were originally £15 (about $24) and they were down to £9 ($14). I said that I was not going to pay that much for flowers that they would be giving away by the end of the day. The guy pricing said to name a price, so I said a fiver – £5 ($8) So at a third of the price, I think that was a good deal. They were only for me anyway.

Week 42

Sunday Photo Fiction - October 19th 2014

EDIT: I made an error and didn't select Schedule, so this has published two hours early this week.

Every week on a Sunday, a new photo is used as a prompt for Flash Fiction challenge using around 200 words based on that image. Your story does not have to be exactly what the item in the photo is as long as there is at least a reference to it. You can make it anything you want, and enjoy what you write, and we will as well.

Please remember to add your piece to the list of others by clicking on the little creature, and you can also add the creature to your own post by clicking on the link beneath it. Have fun, and I look forward to reading what you have written.

A “pay per view” telescope looking out to sea

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Coming Soon ...

In the next couple of weeks, I am going to be starting to add things to this blog. I am going to be adding Camera hints and tips, cheats and manuals. If you have a camera and you need a manual for it, let me know and I will add it on as soon as you let me know.

I was going to do this on my other blog, but I think this one needs something that is solely this and gives people a reason to come here rather than just "same thing different blog".

Watch this space, it won't be long.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Is A Clock On The Moon A Lunar Tick?

I took some photos the other day of the moon. I suppose that should say that I took some photos the other night of the moon. The clouds were around it, and I liked how they looked with it. A lot of the photos didn't come out well with the focus being on either the clouds or the moon, but here are some of the ones that I think are the better ones. 

If anyone knows how I can form a gallery from these or a slideshow, can you let me know please, as I am still working my way around Blogger. 

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Haibun Thinking - October 14th 2014

Welcome to Haibun Thinking.  A weekly challenge to get your creative juices running. The challenge is to create something from one of the prompts below using the form of the Haibun. A piece of work ending in a Haiku style poem of three lines. After you have completed it, please add your link to the InLinkz frog creature for all to read.

This also appears on my WordPress blog if you prefer that, which is here

Thank you for taking part.
Haibun is a Japanese literary form that combines one or more paragraphs of your written narrative (prose) with a concentrated (short) poem – the haiku. Hai stands for haiku, bun stands for prose.
The haibun and/or the haiku present a relationship between the nature of the human experience and ‘nature’ (the natural order of life).
A piece of fiction or a memory finishing with a Haiku style poem.

Literary Quote Photo Prompt
“Grown up, and that is a terribly hard thing to do. It is much easier to skip it and go from one childhood to another.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald

Sunday, 12 October 2014

I Am Impressed - And Thank You

I have only started using Blogger for a short while, and I have found that I am receiving a lot more feedback, comments and "+1" than I expected. 

I thought only one or two people would come by, but on each of my posts, there have been at least 3 G+ +1's and one with 10. 

I really appreciate the support I have received on this new venture. Thank you all.

Sunday Photo Fiction: October 12th 2014

Every week on a Sunday, a new photo is used as a prompt for Flash Fiction challenge using around 200 words based on that image. Your story does not have to be exactly what the item in the photo is as long as there is at least a reference to it. You can make it anything you want, and enjoy what you write, and we will as well.

Please remember to add your piece to the list of others by clicking on the little creature, and you can also add the creature to your own post by clicking on the link beneath it. Have fun, and I look forward to reading what you have written.

get the InLinkz code

Demolition of an old building.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Photo of the Week - Week 41

Every week I post a photo that I have taken during that week as one of the best of them, and these go into a vote at the end of the month for the photo of the month, and then at the end of the year, they all go into a vote for the photo of the year, and then someone has the opportunity of winning the Photo of the Year.

This shot was taken from my balcony.

Tough Times Don’t Last, But Tough People Do. Never Give Up – Robert Schuller

No matter what you are going through right now, remember that it will not last. Tough times are there to strengthen us, to make us ready for anything else that comes our way. Happy times are there to make us realise that life isn't all tears and pain. Try to smile through the bad times and laugh through the good times. Then remember the good times when you are going through the bad and know that nothing ever lasts forever. Smile and when you get knocked down, get back up, brush yourself off and say “Is that all you got?” because you are strong. You have survived every difficult day so far, and you can survive more. It will end. The good times will return.
Have a good weekend.
Thanks today go to:

Friday, 10 October 2014

A Beach Landing - A New Fiction Prompt

A new fiction writing prompt has appeared on the scene. "Monday's Finish The Story" The idea is to write a story in around 100-150 words using the photo as a prompt, and starting it with the line that Barbs gives us. This week, the first week, the line is: “The team headed toward the island not sure what they would find when they arrived.” If you would like to have a go, then go and have look at Monday's Finish The Story. If you want to see what others have written, then head through the this link to InLinkz

The team headed toward the island not sure what they would find when they arrived. From the distance it looked like there were huts on the beach, or set back slightly. They knew the previous team had gone dark within two days of landing there.
Captain Vules Jerne held his hand up in a fist and all the engines on the boats were cut, with each squad taking out folding oars and snapping them into place. The weird silence felt heavy to Jerne as he strained his eyes to see the shoreline. He thought he saw someone running and pointed it out to his Sergeant, Werbert Hells. The latter shook his head dismissively.
Ten minutes later, they landed on the beach and climbed out of the boats. The huts they saw from the distance turned out to be trees lining the rocks. As they made their way more inland, a sound startled them from the other side of the trees. Vules and Hells waved for the rest of the team to hide, as they heard the shout – “kids, dinner’s ready”

Because A Cloud Is Just A Million Drops Of Water

I have always loved taking photos of clouds. They look so "puffy", especially cumulus and cumulonimbus. here are a few photos of clouds. The moon ones aren't that good, but I like the effect.

Monday, 6 October 2014

A New Day Dawns

I looked out the window early this morning and saw the colour of the sky, it was beautiful. So I thought I would try to capture the colours. These were taken just before 7am today.

If You Are Going Through Hell, Keep Going - Winston Churchill

I have probably used this in a title before in one form or another, but it is something I truly believe. Hell is somewhere we have all been, and some of us are still there. By carrying on going, things will undoubtedly become worse, but with each step, we come closer to the other end. If we turn around and go back, we run the risk of having to go through it again, and we have to go back over what we have gone through already. You also may be closer to the other end than you think.
Thanks today go to:

Sunday, 5 October 2014

September Photo of the Month - Your Vote

Every month I take photos and use one every week, then each month all of the photos of the week are put together and people vote for which they want to be the Photo of the Month. At the end of the year, all twelve photos of the month are put together in a vote and the winner becomes the Photo of the Year. Then each person who voted for the Photo of the Year, their name goes into a Random Name Generator, and one person wins a print of the Photo of the Year.

You can vote HERE. These are the images to choose from:

Week 36

Week 37

Week 38

Week 39