Sunday, 5 October 2014

September Photo of the Month - Your Vote

Every month I take photos and use one every week, then each month all of the photos of the week are put together and people vote for which they want to be the Photo of the Month. At the end of the year, all twelve photos of the month are put together in a vote and the winner becomes the Photo of the Year. Then each person who voted for the Photo of the Year, their name goes into a Random Name Generator, and one person wins a print of the Photo of the Year.

You can vote HERE. These are the images to choose from:

Week 36

Week 37

Week 38

Week 39


  1. [ Smiles ] I believe that you already know that I am very fond of week 36.

    1. Thanks Renard, Yep, I know you like that one :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Yay, thanks M :-) Unfortunately that came second
